On summer vacation I am going to B.C . I am going to the Justin Bieber concert I am also going to my papas and nanas cabin. I will be having sleep overs, playdates with friends all summer.  I will miss my teachers  and Gr.3 . They where wonderful teachers all year. I can't wait till next year because I will be in Gr.4 . I hope that I will get a wonderful teacher this next year. I will be singing this year cause I am going to be singing to the music when I go  to see the famous Justin bieber. I can't wait  till October 15 because it is the Justinn bieber concert.
On Wenesday,  May 30, 2012 it was sports day here at IREC. We did tugwa, building a sand casle,  high jump,  cup stack, parachshot, sation 9 water and lots more. My favorite activite was building a sand casle. Sports day is when the whole school kindergarten to grade 4 dose spots day.

Daily 5 is all about learning how to write and read better.You get to read with the teacher than she will give you a level for reading. Writeing is all about doing a assessment if the techer gives you a assessment . You also had to fill out a form to bring technology to school.



Pigs are cute playing in the mud puddle
